HERE’s Communicating About the Afghan Mission

Broken record time – where were our politicians communicating the reasons and merits of Canada’s mission in Afghanistan?

Saying it even better than me is Terry Glavin over at his Chronicles & Dissent blog:

“We have no cause to doubt the resolve of the Afghan people. It’s our own resolve that’s the problem, and while peace in Afghanistan may require more soldiers and firepower, not less, all the troops in the world will do no greater service to the Afghan people and their cause than plain words, spoken in plain language: We will not betray you. We will not abandon you. We will not surrender. We will not retreat.

Any Canadian politician who is not capable of speaking these words clearly and plainly should do the country and the world a favour and just shut the hell up.”

While I hold little hope of ANY Canadian politician of any stripe uttering those words (especially since so far, it appears we can’t exactly say we’re not retreating), approaching this level of clarity is NATO’s Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen (although I’m not sure he can pull it off, given all the political pressures on member nations regarding the Afghanistan mission), quoted by Reuters:

“We must stay in Afghanistan as long as necessary, and we will stay as long as necessary. Let no one think that a run for the exits is an option. It is not.”

Too easy, you’d think.

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